2013-2014招生专页 / 2013-2014 Enrollment Page
学校介绍 School Introduction
湾区中文学校第一品牌 – 华大中文学校,新学年的招生又将开始了。每年,打听华大中文学校何时开始招生现场会已经成了三藩市的家长们的一件必做的事情,因为这关系到他们的孩子能否进入湾区最好的一所中文学校,也关系到他们能否在长长的注册人流中排在前面。
从去年开始,华大更与中国汉办和侨办合作,成功举办汉语夏令营,让学生们可以到中国游学,在最真实的环境下学习正宗的汉语拼音和简体字。这些多元化的中文课程,让不同背景、不同程度、不同要求,说不同母语的学生,都能在华大得到一站式的中文教育,这种独特的课程安排,是目前全美没有任何一家中文学校能够做到的! |
Huada Chinese Academy, the top one Chinese school in the bay area, will start its enrollment procedure for next academic year. For San Francisco parents, what’s on their Must Do List in every spring is to inquire the starting time of Huada enrollment, as it relates to their kids education-whether they are able to enroll in the best Chinese school in the bay area, and whether they can be ahead of other kids in the long line of enrollment.
Since last year, Huada has partnered with the Overseas Chinese Teaching Office and successfully hosted the Chinese Language Summer Camp. The camp allowed students to visit China and learn Hanyu pinyin and simplified Chinese in the most authentic setting. Al lthe above diverse courses enable students with different background, level, demands and first languages receive one-stop Chinese Mandarin education. Huada is the ONLY Chinese school in the bay area that able to offer such unique course arrangement! Besides our gold medal quality Chinese courses, Huada will continue providing Drawing and Go chess classes, which makes students receive all-round development. |